Government of Nepal has launched budget of Rs 1,279 billion for the fiscal year 2074/75 (2017/18). Of this fund, Rs 803.5 billion has been Rs 335.2 billion for capital expenditure and Rs 140.3 billion for financing provision. Few Highlights of the Budget is as under
Allocation of budget to Local level Rs. 225.05 Billion.
Earthquake Rehabilitation Budget Rs 146 Billion.
Programs for Energy sector got the budget of Rs. 62.47 billion .
Budhigandaki Hydropower Project got the budget of Rs 5.33 Billion.
Nijghad,Gautam Buddha and Pokhara International airports jointly got Rs. 13.72 billion.
NBSM is pleased to share the Highlights of the Budget 2074/75 (2017/18) from Tax Perspective. To download the Highlights, click on download.